University of Wisconsin - Madison

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  • What Happens When Sick Leave Runs Out?

What Happens When Sick Leave Runs Out?

  • Thu, February 13, 2025
  • 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Hybrid - In-person at Oakwood-University Woods, Westmorland - Nakoma Room & Virtual via Zoom
  • 0


Registration is closed


If navigating your health insurance benefits feels like finding your way through a maze, you're not alone. Many of us are not trained to navigate the complexities of our health care system. As university and state employes in Wisconsin, we have a valuable benefit: using accumulated unused sick leave credits to cover health insurance costs in retirement. But, when sick leave credits run out, what happens?

Join us for a discussion of navigating the complexities of our health care system with a panel of experts on the topic of what to do when sick leave credits run out. 

Adam VanSpankeren, Outreach Program Manager at UW-Madison Division of Extension, will discuss accessing health insurance plans and explain the services of Covering Wisconsin,, a non-profit organization that provides free navigator services to connect people with health insurance.  

Joining the panel will be several ETF staff members. Arlene Larson, Federal Health Programs and Policy Manager and Tricia Sieg, Pharmacy Benefit Program Manager will be Joining the discussion on sick leave policy questions. Tom Rasmussen, the Life and Dental Insurance Program Manager will be available to address Life Conversion, and a staff person from ETF’s Member Services Bureau, who can explain the nuts and bolts of sick leave administration.

If you have preliminary questions for the speakers, please email them in advance to program coordinators Rick Daluge at and Don Miner by Thursday, February 6.

NOTE:  This is a hybrid seminar -- in-person and virtual via Zoom.  Additionally, the session will be recorded and posted on the UWRA website.  When registering, please indicate how you will attend (in person or virtually).


Click here for a printable map of Oakwood Community Grounds for Parking and Room location. 

Food Pantry Contributions:

Checks payable to UW-Foundation, with "Open Seat" on the memo line may be mailed to UWRA, 21 North Park Street, Room 7205, Madison, WI 53715-1218.

Registration Deadline:  Monday, February 10


Advance registration is required.  You are encouraged to register online.  To register by phone or email, call the Association office. If you or your guest registered for this seminar but cannot attend, please cancel your registration online, or email/call the UWRA office.

UW-Madison Retirement Association
21 N Park St, Room 7205
Madison WI 53715-1218

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UW-Madison Retirement Association

21 North Park Street, Room 7205

Madison, WI 53715-1218


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