University of Wisconsin - Madison

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  • Anderson Japanese Gardens, Lunch, and Curran Orchard

Anderson Japanese Gardens, Lunch, and Curran Orchard

  • Thu, October 11, 2018
  • 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
  • 15


Registration Required
Registration Deadline: Thursday, October 4

7:30 Leave East side pickup point
8:00 Leave West side pickup point
5:00* Arrive West side
5:30* Arrive East tside
Return times are approximate
Registration is closed

Fall is the perfect time to visit the Anderson Japanese Gardens in Rockford, Illinois. Beautifully and purposely designed with essential elements of stone, which form the structure of the landscape; water, which represent life-giving force; and plants, which provide the color and changes of the seasons. Expertly pruned according to aesthetic Japanese principals they create a work of natural art that claims to inspire calm, renew, and invigorate the soul. Our group will have a docent-led tour that will begin at 10:00 when we arrive there and will last about two hours. Be aware that this is a walking tour and some of the paths are uneven. The gravel paths are suitable for wheelchairs, but certain areas with steps may be prohibitive. There will be benches along the way if you need to sit.

The Japanese theme will continue with lunch at the JMK Nippon restaurant in Rockford.  We will sit grill-side with a choice of chicken, salmon, or steak served with soup, salad, veggies, and rice. Coffee or tea is included. 

On the way back to Madison, the bus will make a stop at Curran’s Orchards where you will have a chance to purchase apple donuts, fresh-baked apple pie, and caramel apples to eat for dessert or take home. Many popular types of apples are available for sale along with pumpkins and other fall treats. Curran’s Orchard is proud of the fact that their fruit is sprayed with 1/4 of the typical amount of chemicals.

Deadline  Registrations must be received no later than Thursday, October 4.

Pickup Points

7:30 a.m. Leave Eastside (East Towne Sears/Planet Fitness -- lamp post #10)
 8:00 a.m. Leave Westside  (West Towne Sears -- lot near beltline)
 5:00 p.m. Return Westside
 5:30 p.m. Return Eastside


Contact Colleen McCabe at (223-1635) or UWRA office


Register online.   Mailed in reservations using the Registration Form  and checks are accepted.

UW-Madison Retirement Association
21 N Park St, Room 7205
Madison WI 53715-1218

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21 North Park Street, Room 7205

Madison, WI 53715-1218


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